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Xmove - Train&Bus Booking

4.0 ( 560 ratings )
السفر الأدوات المساعدة
المطور: Wowsei Dynamics Inc

Welcome to Xmove! —— Europe and Asia train easy booking app.

We offer travelers a one-stop service for international train ticket search and booking, covering over 60,000 cities across Europe and Asia. You can compare real-time ticket prices from different railway companies and book the great value tickets in the quickest way, while also enjoying a smarter way to travel.

Why Xmove?
· A simple user interface. The app delivers an excellent user experience, allowing users to secure the tickets they want with just a few taps, without complex steps, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey.

· Search and book with your language. Satisfying the needs of users from different countries and regions, making it easier for them to use the app.

· Checking real-time train schedules and comparing prices. Users can quickly find the latest train schedules, compare ticket prices for different trains and railways in one place, and ensure they purchase tickets at the best price.

· E-ticket service. Users can easily download e-tickets directly on the app, and also check their orders and purchased tickets in seconds.

· Booking group train tickets. Providing customized booking services and discounted prices for groups or families, making it convenient for multiple people to travel together.

· Railway API data integration. Providing API interface services for corporate clients, making it easy to integrate railway data from various sources and supporting a wide range of application scenarios.

· Professional customer service. Providing one-on-one customer support to assist clients with complex booking requirements or technical issues during use, ensuring users enjoy a smooth ticketing experience.

Contact Us:
- WhatsApp: https://wa.me/8618600117246
- Line: http://line.me/ti/p/%40edp7491d
- Website: [www.g2rail.com]
- WeChat: train-service

Our Partners Include:
- Germany: Deutsche Bahn, Flixbus
- Switzerland: SBB (Swiss Federal Railways), Jungfrau Railway, Glacier Express, Golden Pass Line, Bernina Express
- Italy: Trenitalia, Italo
- Spain: Renfe
- France: SNCF, Euroline
- UK: Eurostar, Virgin
- Austria: ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways), Westbahn
- Netherlands: NS
- Belgium: SNCB
- Norway: NSB
- Finland: VR
- Sweden: SJ
- Russia: RZD
- China: China High-Speed Rail
- Japan: JR
- Korea: Korail
- Taiwan, China: Taiwan High-Speed Rail